Make the best of the unique talent called 'Lameness'
Hmm...OKAY, So you think you are good for nothing! Things are aren't working your way, you can make a foot long list of the mistakes you have done, nothing's falling into place, you are getting rejection e-mails (letters ka zamana gya yar!) from everywhere, you don't know what you want to do or if you are good enough to do what you want to, the idea of success seems impossible to you, you are not able to understand how people achieve so much in life, you are jealous of almost everyone around you and blah blah blah....
Note: THIS is NOT another inspirational, motivational column which intend to make you feel better about yourself by telling the success stories of others (how stupid!); or just give you false hope about winning and other rubbish.
This pic is not relevant to this post. It's just something beautiful to watch and appreciate. |
The Questions
1. You think you are hopeless? OK, then who am I to change your mind. In fact, nobody can change this thinking of yours except
You! This feeling won't leave you,your mind & your body until and unless
you feel worthy of yourself.
2. But the problem is that you think you are worthless! Not that you were born with this unique and special talent, but the constant and repeated failures, mistakes and rejections have instilled this feeling into you.
3. Now what to do? Your brain isn't allowing you to think that you are capable, and without that this air of despair & hopelessness around you won't thin.
Quite complicated? |
The Answer
1. Go and watch a movie.
2. So now you have given your brain a break from thinking about you and your sucky life.
3. Now sit down, relax, stare at the ceiling, and think- what on earth are you good at doing? Be it anything, any damn thing you can think of! I am not talking about stuff that would necessarily help you in your life ahead (that's against the rule of this blog :P), but any random thing like making friends, cracking jokes, playing random tricks, pranks, card games, giving speech, advice, oration, sympathizing, making people happy, etc.
4. I am sure there is something like this that you are good at, but you can't categorize it into talents or hobbies or anything to brag about. Well, wait a minute. Why not?
5. In this weird, innovation driven, attention hungry world; anything unusual and different is made a way to live, a path for success, and a style of life.
6. Find out what you are good at- ask your friends or family if you can't think of anything. Work out a way in which you can use that to create something that can be shown to the world and what can be counted as worthy.
7. Don't be afraid of doing anything because people might find it stupid. Remember: Everyone might not always like what you are doing, but a few would! People tend to like something when they see that it's liked by a lot of people. I call this the "herd mentality". Keep on doing what you think you are good at, and gradually, more people would start appreciating your work because of their "herd mentality".
8. I am not saying that doing all this would make you a Tata or Ambani, or a big success, or that you would be able to pursue that option for the rest of your life; but it will give you a sort of
self-confidence. You will learn to admire yourself. And if you are successful, it might help you in gaining the bigger fruits of life.
9. In nutshell, it would give you "inner peace" which is a very important to achieve anything in life.
Inner Peace! |